14 Tips to reduce the consumption of plastic while traveling and live a more eco-friendly experience

In recent years, tons of plastic wastes produced all over the world are harming the environment and threatening the existence of many animal species. We all know the devastating impact on the planet, on animals and even on our health, but we are in time to change small habits and make a great difference. Sustainability is not the trend of the moment but a model to follow, both in everyday life and on a trip.

Follow our tips to save the environment during your trips. Unity is strength!

How to protect the environment on a trip

1. Drink responsibly

I’m not talking about Saturday night drinks or beers with friends, but to the disposable plastic bottles we buy every day in the supermarket. Think about how much you could save by investing a couple of euros for reusable stainless steel bottles and getting used to drinking water from dispensers, taps and fountains. Both when traveling and also in everyday life. Water is valuable for everyone and for this reason it should be accessible and safeguarded. Use the available water resources and always carry a reusable water bottle with you.

2. Eat local food

Choose to eat typical dishes produced locally to reduce emissions from importation. It may seem trivial but think about how many benefits from a healthy diet. Both to you and to the local population. By consuming local products, you have the chance to try typical dishes of the country and at the same time contribute to supporting the local economy and safeguarding agriculture. Make a healthy and ethical choice.

3. Say no to disposable plastic bags, straws and packaging

During your travels, you happen to go shopping, buy a takeaway, have a drink on the beach… Think about how important your daily contribution to the fight against disposable packages can be. Instead of using the thin plastic bags that break easily with little weight, choose to use the backpack to carry your purchases and a waterproof bag to store wet clothes. There are many usages of waterproof backpack that (maybe) you’ve never considered.

When you feel thirsty and decide to order a fresh drink, ask not to use the plastic straw. If you really can’t do without it, take a metal staw that will last for years! You can also respect the environment while eating at the street food: instead of using glasses and plastic cutlery, bring a folding cup and cutlery with you. These are small and good habits that cost nothing, guarantee hygiene and protect the earth. Day by day.

4. Avoid juices in cartons

Instead of buying packaged juices and drinks full of preservatives, choose to drink fresh and healthier centrifuged. Whenever you choose to buy fresh juice, think about how much healthier it is, how much packaging you saved and how important is your support to the economy of the local shop where you are buying.

5. Say yes to bulk products in the supermarket and detergents on tap

Buying fruit and vegetables in bulk allows you to choose the desired quantity, reducing waste and at the same time limiting the use of plastic in the packaging. Make an environmentally friendly choice and bring with you the detergent bottles to be refilled and the reusable bag to carry your shopping.

6. Travel size products harms the planet

Many companies produce small size toiletries that meet the standards of the airlines to simplify the lives of travelers and adapt them to the reduced space of the backpack. Toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, body cream, although they are lightweight and not bulky, do not last longer than a week and in case of longer trips, you will need to buy them again. Think about how much plastic is used to create packages that will be thrown away once empty. Reusing packages can help protect the planet even when on a trip.

7. Use solid soaps or bring reusable small bottles from home

Solid soaps are a valid alternative to liquid ones: they guarantee the same result but significantly reduce the use of packaging. Since they do not contain liquids inside, there are no particular limitations in airport controls. If you really can not leave your favorite shower gel or your anti-frizz shampoo, fill a recycled container and take it with you… It will be a more eco-friendly choice than the courtesy set provided by hotels.

8. Bring a hand towel with you

Instead of consuming disposable tissues and harming the planet day after day, consider the idea of ​​carrying a small hand towel in your bag. It is more hygienic than hand dryers and less polluting than paper tissues. Find out our multi-purpose cooling towels.

9. Reduce paper consumption

When thinking about the planet, the excessive consumption of plastic comes to our mind, but what about paper and tons of trees cut down every year? Technology plays a key role and can give a great contribution. Let’s take advantage of digital books rather than paper ones, take notes on our phone, whenever possible use electronic tickets and reservations instead of printing.

10. Bring something to eat from home

What is the connection with plastic? Due to practicality and lack of space, on the airplane is not possible to separate wastes. The packaging of every meal bought on the flight, will not be recycled. Bring with you something to eat during the flight, you will reduce wastes and save money!

11. No plastic kit inside the backpack

Is it really possible to pack a backpack by reducing the plastic inside? Of course it is. You just need a little creativity! Instead of carrying plastic bags to hold wet clothes and dusty shoes, choose a waterproof bag that isolates the internal contents from the rest of the backpack and adapts to any occasion.

12. Turn off lights and air conditioner when you go out

Whether it’s a hotel room, a dormitory in a hostel or an apartment, every time you go out remember to turn off the water, the lights and the air conditioner. Behave exactly like you would do at home to save resources and money. A small action to protect the planet even when you are traveling.

13. Travel light and use public transport

Every extra kilo that we carry on the plane contributes to increasing CO2 emissions and consequently pollution. Travel light and choose to move on foot or by public transport to reduce the environmental impact and save money. If you really don’t want to miss the comfort of traveling by car, choose to share the ride with other travelers and do car pooling using Bla Bla Car… It is an excellent opportunity also to meet new people and make friends!

14. Buy good quality travel gear

Fashion and seasonal trends leverage the desire of people to keep up with the times by fueling consumerism. In order to reduce waste, invest in high-quality clothing and travel gear with a longer lifespan to avoid being replaced the following season. Better quality equates to a slightly higher cost, but try to think how much it would cost you to buy a new backpack within a few months because the shoulder straps are not padded enough or the fabric is damaged. Take care of your travel equipment and repair it instead of replacing it, after all, they will be your adventure companions!

Find out our outdoor backpacks made of tear-resistant ripstop polyester, with padded backs and shoulder straps to ensure comfort to your back.

Changing your lifestyle and creating new habits is not as difficult as it seems, have you ever thought about all the benefits? Keep track of all the plastic that you have saved during your trip, for example taking notes about all the times you have carried your own bag to the shops or have filled the reusable bottle with water. At the end of your trip, you will realize that some small changes in habits can make a great difference and over time you will learn to find creative and cheaper alternatives to plastic: planet and wallet will thank you!

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